7 Questions

Tonight, I was going through my old blog posts and I found this post. I posted it back in 2010.  Francis Chan was at the National Conference, highlighted that when we teach the Word of God we need to ask these 7 questions to ourselves. And I think that we also need to ask these 7 questions before we write a blog post sharing with others of what God has taught us or spoken to us.

The 7 questions are:

1. Fear
Am I worry about what people think of my message or what God thinks?

2. Love
Do I genuinely love these people?

3. Accuracy
Am I accurately presenting this passage?

4. Power
Am I depending on the power of the Holy Spirit or my own cleverness?

5. Integrity
Have I applied this message to my own life?

6. Humility
Will this message draw attention to me or to God?

7. Urgency
Do the people really need this message?

(via the Desiring God blog post Seven Questions to Ask Before You Preach)

I pray that God will give you wisdom and understanding of how deep and wide and high His love and truth. Blessings to you!

The Authority of God’s Word

Francis Chan, well known pastor and author of the best-selling book Crazy Love, shares why it’s so important for every person to have access to God’s Word. Visit theseedcompany.org today.

What do you pray for?

…. many people question God for not responding when they prayed in faith…. but the question is whether they prayed for things God has promised. Often, it’s the un-promised requests that God answers with a no.

There’s is a huge difference between believing what God has promised and praying for things you’d like to be true…. Do not put your hope in what others promise or what you’ve been told you’ll “get” if you are a “good Christian” (e.g., a good job, financial success, the perfect spouse, healthy children, a big house, etc.). And ultimately, stake your faith in God alone, not in the gifts (good as they may be) that He gives. Do you trust God that when He says not or “not in this way” to you, you still believe He is good and doing what is best?

(Forgotten God, Francis Chan)

Seven Questions to Ask Before You Preach or Teach the Bible

Francis Chan at the National Conference, highlighted that when we teach the Word of God with:

1. Fear
Am I worry about what people think of my message or what God thinks?

2. Love
Do I genuinely love these people?

3. Accuracy
Am I accurately presenting this passage?

4. Power
Am I depending on the power of the Holy Spirit or my own cleverness?

5. Integrity
Have I applied this message to my own life?

6. Humility
Will this message draw attention to me or to God?

7. Urgency
Do the people really need this message?

Summarize from:

Seven Questions to Ask Before You Preach or Teach the Bible from the Desiring God blog.

via Seven Questions to Ask Before You Preach or Teach the Bible.


Francis Chan, dalam National Conference, menyatakan saat kita memberitakan Firman Tuhan harus dengan:

1. Rasa Takut
Apakah saya khawatir akan apa pikiran orang tentang pesan Tuhan ini atau akan apa yang Tuhan pikir?

2. Kasih
Apakah saya sungguh-sungguh mengasihi orang-orang ini?

3. Ketepatan
Apakah saya menyampaikan pesan Tuhan dengan tepat?

4. Kuasa
Apakah saya bergantung pada kuasa Roh Kudus atau pada kepintaran saya sendiri?

5. Integritas (Jujur dan Benar)
Apakah saya sudah melakukan firman Tuhan ini dalam hidup saya sendiri?

6. Kerendahan Hati
Apakah pesan ini akan membawa orang lain mendekat pada Tuhan atau pada diri saya sendiri?

7. Sesuai Kebutuhan
Apakah orang-orang ini membutuhkan pesan Tuhan ini?

(Diterjemahkan oleh HMG)