I am thankful for every time I can have time to sit, read His word, meditate on His teaching, pray to Him and be changed by His power.
I am thankful for Grace Baptist Church family, friends at our Church Bible study & Prayer group, HelloMornings sisters in my FB online study group, Bible Journaling Community (on Facebook and Instagram), sermon podcasts, and even online worship channels.
I am thankful for all the access I have to His words in languages I can understand best.
As thanking God for these great blessings, I never stop praying for those people in SEA* to have access to God’s living word that powerful enough to change their lives, that the Word of God will available to them in 700+ languages they speak and they understand best.
Praying for open doors to the closed doors.
Praying for those who are there among them who translating the Word into their languages.
Praying for more workers to go (including us) and work side by side with the nationals to answer God’s calling and to obey the Great Commandment.
Would you join me and my family in prayer for these requests to see God reveal Himself and glory to the people?
Would you be partner prayerfully and financially with Wycliffe Associates through the works that we’ll be doing in the country to bring the Good News to the people in languages they understand best?
If you feel God speaks something to you when you pray and feel you wanna share with us, please feel free to send me an email. Please visit this link to partner with us.
Thank you so much for joining us in prayers and God bless you!