Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you all ready to start this brand new year with confident and hope in the Lord.
This morning I woke up, grabbed my coffee and Journaling Bible with supplies, found a tiny spot behind the couch bu the backporch window where the best light at my husband’s grandma’s house. I was ready to start my journaling and youngest daughter squeezed in with me in thag corner 🙂
I prayed and review the word I picked last year, FAITH. I went through some readings.
As I reading Genesis 22:1-14 when God tested Abrahm’s faith this morning I prayed about it and felt in my heart God put this word: HOPE.
We cannot seperate our faith in Chrisy Jesus and hope we have to walk day-bu-day in the One who leads the way.
On the first day of January, The LORD remind me as we walk through 2016 have HOPE in the Lord who provides everything in our lives. He provide not only physically, but also spiritually. EVERYTHING, big and small.
He will provide it on His Mount. Mount is a symbol of His presence, where He always told His people to build an altar of worship for Him. And that’s where He tells us to go where we will find our needs as we come to seek Him and to worship Him.
We can come boldly to the throne of the gracious God because of Jesus has redeemed & bought us with His blood to be His children (Hebrew 4:16).
We can come boldly to His presence through prayers because the Holy Spirit will help us in our weaknesses and will pray with us and for us according to God’s own will (Romans 8:26-30).
We can come boldly to Him to hear what He’a going to say to us and to teach us His ways so that we will live gloriying Him and not sinned againts Him through the reading of His word in the Bible (Psalms 119).
He will provide our needs when we need to dig deeper into His word.
He will provide our needs when we want to worship Him.
He will provide our needs when to live for Him as witnesses of who He is to this world through our words and work of hands.
He will provide our needs when we need Him!
What do you need today to go through this year?
Go to His Mount and He will provide for you.
I pray this post today will give you hope to keep walking in faith in Jesus Christ and that He is in 2016 with you.
God bless you richly in Christ Jesus!