Bloglovin’ for Blog Reader

Google announced awhile ago about they will stop Google Reader on July 1, 2013. There were lots of questions how we can read the blogs we follow. I found Bloglovin’, recommended by several bloggers I follow. So, I decided to try it.

I like it so far. It has iPad and iPhone App too, that make it easier to read the blog posts from those I follow.

You have 2 more days to try it and import all blogs you follow from Google Reader to Bloglovin’.

You need to register to have Bloglovin’ account. It is easy, you can just simply follow the steps here.

To import from Google Reader to Bloglovin’ is very simple. You can click here once you have your account activated. It took about 1 minute for me to transfer about 500 (a lot!) blogs I follow. But the speed depends on your internet connection too.

You can follow me on Bloglovin’

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Have a wonderful day!