She is ONE Now!



I remember exactly this time around I was at the hospital and having this cute little baby girl. My husband, Dave, was there right beside me in the surgery room, held my hand, and even allowed by my OB/GYN to witness the moment they pulled the baby out of my womb. He can tell you the story better than me. He thought it was the awesomest thing he ever seen in his life!

The first time I held her in my arms, she was so tiny and I couldn’t stop crying to see once again God made a miracle in our family. He made her beautifully and fearfully, He has written her life in His book. He has her future planned perfectly.

Today, we are celebrating her first birthday. YES, SHE IS ONE YEAR OLD NOW! Time flies when we have so much fun and time to spend together. Can’t thank God enough for His grace, mercy, love and blessings in her life. We have seen God has been working in her life since she was born and we are seeing now, and we will see God’s hands in her life in the future.

I am one blessed Mama! God has given me delightful and beautiful daughters and an amazing, loving husband. He made my life complete!

I never stop thanking God my Father and Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord for them every single moment! 


God Made It Fruitful


We are back from our 18 days trip to Texas and Oklahoma (8/2 – 8/20). At the end of this trip we are tired, but most of all we are thankful for what God has done in those 18 days. We asked all of our prayer partners to pray for God would make this trip glorifying His name and fruitful, safe trip, meeting people, have good relationships, and good health for all of us. And He answered the prayers! He made it fruitful!

Here are some of the highlights of the trip:

  • Time with family (Helen’s cousin and his family). We also spent some times just us as family.
  • Declare Conference (I blog about it tomorrow), where I met some of my friends in REAL LIFE who I first time met online (Twitter, Facebook, Blogging group).
  • Visiting 1 church in Richardson, TX and 2 churches in Houston, TX.
  • Sharing about the needs of Bible Translation works in South East Asia at 2 home meetings in Houston, TX.
  • YouVersion 100 Million Celebration at Live Church TV in Edmond, OK where we met some of the volunteers for the translation team, the coordinator and the director.
  • Sharing about the needs of Bible Translation works in Southeast Asia at Canyon Creek Baptist Sunday School classes and their Elementary students and teachers at the Academy morning assembly.

We did have busy schedule on this trip but one thing that we know well in our hearts that it is all God, because of God and at the end all the glory is for God alone.

He made it happened. He made it fruitful.


Life’s Been Busy

Oh My! I didn’t realize that it’s been a couple of months I haven’t posted anything.

It has been a quite busy months for us. We have been on road trips to visit friends and family for sharing what God has been doing in our lives and about Wycliffe.

We are so excited to go!

I am trying to find time to post more about our adventures, journey with God and what is happening with Wycliffe in all around the world. YES! God is working in people’s hearts, He is opening ways for those who don’t have the Word to have the Word.

We are so thankful God has provided the needs and time for us to go visiting friends and families in North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama from June 7th through June 16th. This can be done only because of God’s grace, love and mercy.

We even are celebrating our 5th Anniversary on the trip 😀 (hey! it’s today! LOL!) I never stop thanking God for my wonderful husband, Dave. We have gone through these sweet, wonderful and challenging 5 years and more amazing years to go through together with God. It’s all from Him and for Him!

I’ll be back with some pictures and stories soon after we get home on June 18th!

Please be praying for us! THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support!

The Newest Member of Our Family

Welcome, Emma Jane!

We would like to announce the newest member of our family. Please meet, Emma Jane.

Born on September 13th, 2012

At Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC)

Weight: 8.5 lbs (3,85 kg)

Length: 20.5 in. (52.07 cm)

We are so thankful for safe delivery and healthy baby. I am thankful for recovering well from my C-section.

Special THANKS for all of you who are praying with us since the beginning or my pregnancy until we have Emma with us. Thank you and God bless you abundantly.

Finally 39 Weeks

September 13th, 2012

Our waiting is finally reached the end.

Day after day…

Week after week…

Month after month…

Today is the day we are gonna have you and hold you in our arms, Little Emma.


We went to the hospital and it tool an hour for the C-section preparation. Finally around 3:30ish they took me to the Operation Room, and my wonderful husband, Dave, was beside me faithfully and watched the whole process. He told everybody that it was the coolest things he ever saw of delivering a baby.

So thankful! I am still in the process of recovering, it is not easy and definitely C-section is not an easy way or a short-cut to have a baby like others said. It has its own hard times. It’s God who has been helping me and giving me the extra strength and energy I need to go through the process. It is Him I am giving praise and thanks! His presence is real in my life.

I created this layout to remember the last day I had this bump, my husband (like he did before with our first baby, Abigail) took my last day with this the baby bump, the minutes before the C-section. Yes, I had the BIG one! Imagine my back pain and sciatic nerve pain, please! 😀 LOL!!

Kit: Expecting by SuzyQ Scraps

Template: Inspired by Kimberley Scraplift Challenge, SuzyQ Scrap

Font: KG Makes You Stronger

So, what is the most thing you remember from your pregnancy?