World Bible Translation Day

World Bible Translation Day | | #WorldBibleTranslationDay #BiblelessPeopleGroups #UnreachedPeopleGroups #Pray #Praise

Today, September 30th, is dedicated to World Bible Translation Day. God has been doing GREAT things among the nations!

These verse from Psalm 67 is a prayer for the nations to know the Great God, the only One who worthy of our praise. The only One who worthy of worship from His creations. The only One who worthy of honor and the only One who rules over every nation!

May God be merciful and bless us.

May his face smile with favor on us.


May your ways be known throughout the earth,

your saving power among people everywhere.

May the nations praise you, O God.

Yes, may all the nations praise you.

Let the whole world sing for joy,

because you govern the nations with justice

and guide the people of the whole world.


May the nations praise you, O God.

Yes, may all the nations praise you.

Then the earth will yield its harvests,

and God, our God, will richly bless us.

Yes, God will bless us,

and people all over the world will fear him.

Please join us to give PRAISE to the LORD for:

  • what He has done among the nations
  • all the translation projects done this year
  • all the nearly-done projects this year
  • all translation teams who are working among the people groups
  • all partners who work together to get the Word available in the languages in the world

Please join us in PRAYER today for:

  • those people groups who do not yet have any verses of the Word available in their languages
  • open doors to the restricted and closed countries and people groups
  • more churches and partners to see the urgent needs in their countries and step in join the teams to work together bringing the Good News to the people who have been waiting for so long
  • protection and courage to the Believers who live in closed and restricted countries where they serve and share the Good News with the people there
  • more workers sent by God to the fields
  • God’s glory known among the people on earth

We are so grateful to be part of the work of B!ble translation projects in SEA* in Pacific with Wycliffe Associates. Right now we are working from home but our prayer and hope that we will be there to work directly with the local teams and partners to bring the Good News to the more than 400 language groups who have been waiting for so long. They need God’s word to know Him and to trust in Him. They need to read His Word to know how much He loves them. They need God in their lives, to change them only by the power of His living word.

Our family would like to THANK YOU for your partnership with us since the beginning of the ministry with Wycliffe Associates.

May God bless you and your family!