Death Is Defeated

Happy Easter to you and your family! May the LORD bless you all today, and the power that resurrected Jesus will be in you.

“He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.” – Matthew 28:6

Death is defeated. The Son has risen. Hallelujah Jesus is alive!!!

On my journaling Bible page, I used Becuase of Jesus stamp set and Cloudy Day Edge stensil/mask from Sweet ‘n Sassy Stamps.

It is a simple and quick way creating journaling page on the Bible.

I blended the VersaMagic Nigh Sky ink, VersaMagic Red Magic ink, VersaMagic Mango Madness ink, and VersaMagic Tea Leaves ink using blending brushes on the page. And then I stamped the image and sentiment on the page using VersaMagic Midnight Black.

I colored the mountain and sun with Prismacolors pencil colors.

Bible Journaling | Confident In Jesus

Hello everyone… We are at the end of January already! Time flies fast and we cannot stop it. We can keep on going in faith and confident that we have hopeful future.

Today, I wanna share my Bible journaling page on this verse from 1 John 5:14-15.

From this Bible verses, we are encouraged to confident in Jesus when we pray. We need to know and have confident in Jesus that when we ask anything according to His will, he hears us.

Our God is the El Roi, the God who sees us, the LORD who will help us. He is here for you and me.

On my Bible journaling page today, I used Sweet ‘n Sassy Stamps:

  • My Savior’s Love Clear Stamp Set
  • Sweetpea Alpha Clear Stamp Set
  • Skinny Caps Alpha Cleat Stamp Set

I stamped all images and alpha letters with VersaMagic Midnight Black, and then I loosely watercolored the flowers and pages using Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolor paints.

After watercoloring, I ironed the wrinkle page so it was flat and smooth again for me to write on, plus, dried the paint completely.

I hope this truth encourage you today and you can step into the next month with confident and hope.

Thanks for visiting my blog today, have a wonderful blessed day!

Mixed Media Tag | Wonderful Love

Sometimes, we find it is hard to sing praises and to pray in hard situation and circumstances. When our mind occupied by worries and problems, we can think of something else. But God has provided ways for us to continue praying and praising His name.

In the book of Psalm, we can read all kind of praises and prayers that we can also use as our praises and use the verses to pray to the Lord. They are God’s word. And God’s word never return void (Isaiah 55:11).

In the book of Psalm 17, David expressed what was in his heart to the LORD with this prayer.

He pleaded for justice and brought his case before Him to judge.

He had confident that the LORD would answer his prayer.

He asked the LORD to show him His wonderful love, guidance, protection, and judgement over his enemies.

We all can have hope and faith in the same GOD for He is the LORD who is faithful and just. You can call upon Him today for He will listen and for sure He will answer you, my friends… He loves you with His everlasting wonderful love!

I created my mixed media tag bookmark today using these stamp sets from Sweet ‘n Sassy Stamps:

  • CreativeWorship: My Savior’s Love clear stamp set
  • Funky Texture clear stamp set

On the background, I used Distress Crayons, TCW Matte Medium, and stamping with VersaFine Clair Nocturne Ink Pad, Faber Castell Big Brush Pen and PITT XS Pen.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed day!

Bible Journaling | Walk In Love

As we walking into the new year, we all hope for better year. This week as I am meditating God’s word, I am reminded to walk in love with the Lord.

Reading the verse 2 John 1:6, I learned that walking in love is:

  • the beginning of God’s message
  • the foundation of teaching
  • the commandment

When we read and study God’s message in the Bible, we are walking in His love. We gain knowledge of who He is and his steadfast love for his people. We also are called to share and teach His message to others. We walk in love when we teach his teaching to others. And it is a commandment from the Lord himself. To love the Lord is to obey his commands.

My Bible journaling page today, I created using supplies from Sweet ‘n Sassy Stamps:

  • Creative Worship: My Savior’s Love clear stamp set
  • Creative Worship: Sweetpea Alpha clear stamp set
  • Funky Texture clear stamp set
  • Hearts Galore Stencil

On the background, I added layers of Pastel Gelatos and Metallic Gelatos. And then I added layers of stamping with VersaMagic inks.

I stamped the flower images with VersaFine Clair Nocturne and I colored them with watercolor pencils and I cut it with scissors. I added to the journaling page with permanent adhesive glue.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Have a wonderful, blessed day!

Bible Journaling | Fear Not

December is here… Another year almost gone by. There many things uncertain and unknown in the future but today I read this Bible passage from Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭26‬-‭33‬ ‭that give me peace and courage to keep on moving forward.

“So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.”

There any nothing for us to fear because He knows what is hidden and what is in the open. The Lord Jesus himself said that we are of more value that many sparrows. He knows us personally, and whatever our situation is.

He will never denies nor forsake those who acknowledge Him! He commands us to not fear of anything.

On my Bible journaling page, I used:

  • Birds and Blooms Stamp Set
  • Birds and Blooms Die Set
  • Creative Worship Get To The Point Alpha Stamp Set

I stamped all the images on watercolor cardsrock with VersaFine ink pad and then colored then with Arteza Real Brushes and waterbrush. After that, I dried them all with a craft heat gun. And then, I cute them all with the matching dies.

For the background, I also used the Arteza Real Brush, waterbrush, and White Gesso. I dried the page with a craft heat gun and them I ironed it to smooth out the wrinkles on the page.

I added all the pieces on the page with permanent adhesive glue.

I stamped the letters with VersaMagic Night Sky DewDrop ink pad. I dried the ink with craft heat gun. And then, I wrote little note on it with Sakura Micron Pen.

For this month of December, Sweet ‘n Sassy Stamps has Big Sale for all die sets! You’re gonna love their collection!

I hope this journaling Bible page can encourage your heart. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Blessings!