I met Britta Lafont back in August 2014 when I attended Declare Conference (by the way, it is an awesome blogging conference for women, check it out and plan to attend next year!). She is an amazing lady and very sweet since the first day I met her at a display table. We had great sharing time. I love hearing her heart for those who have not yet heard the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
Meeting her at that conference was not a coincidence.
At the last day, she asked me if I would like to read her new e-book and I said YES! 🙂 I am so glad she asked because her new e-book, Prodigal Confessions, has blessed me so much.
We are familiar with the story of Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. In this book, Britta shared her testimony of being a prodigal daughter and how God led her back to his own heart. This e-book is full of encouragements and God’s words for us who has been running away from our heavenly Father, that He himself wants us to know that He is waiting with wide arms open. She shares 10 principles that lead us back to the Father. They are not just principles, they are God’s ways.
God planted the Gospel Story in our hearts. We want problems fixed. We look for the hero. We desire forgiveness and mended relationships. When we don’t experience this in movies, books, or real life, we tend to feel a lack of closure because it is deep in our spiritual DNA to crave reconciliation. Especially in real life, we don’t like loose ends. –Prodigal Confessions: 10 Principles that Lead Us Back to the Father
I would love you all to get to know a little bit about my friend, Britta:
Britta is a sojourner. She was a military kid and is a military wife, now living in the high desert of Arizona and far, far from her New Orleans family. She happily homeschools and one of her favorite hobbies is snuggling on the couch reading history and literature with 12-year-old Gracie and 10-year-old Josh. Britta and her husband Scott recently celebrated their 20th Anniversary. Britta writes about the intersection of God’s Word and her world at Britta Lafont ~ Everyday Holiness.
And I asked her why she wrote this book, and here her answer to me:
My mom always talked in scripture to me. Little snippets, here and there, of the Word. And those seeds went down, deep into my heart. I don’t remember a time when Jesus was not my friend.
But growing up in a military family was not smooth and easy. Daddy was tough. Money was tight. We were sojourners, on the move, always the outsiders. We clung together and fell apart.
And somewhere in the middle of it all, I lost the sense that God was on my side. So I served myself and I felt alone. I made choices that made my life harder. My rebellious heart ran wild even under the cover of the good grades and the outgoing personality of a “nice girl”.
Looking back, my worldview was upside down. I didn’t know who God was or who I was to Him. Every difficult part of my life confused my understanding of Him more.
My marriage was the most painful piece of the puzzle. But “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Prov 27:17). This sharpening finally forced me to cultivate the seeds of scripture that had been sown so deeply in my heart, so many years ago. I became a student of God’s Word. There was purpose in my pain.
By far, motherhood was the best thing for me. In trying to teach my kids about the Lord…I experienced Him (the Living Water, the Bread of Life, the Redeemer). I learned that though the Father’s standards are high, He stoops down to lift us up.
I have always loved words. So much so, that I majored in English in college. But I didn’t start really writing much till I began my blog a few years ago.
I was hoping to reach other women who were too tired after work to go to Bible study, because I knew how that felt. I wrote for the moms whose kids were eaten up with separation anxiety, because that was what kept me from Christian fellowship, for a time. And I wrote for women who looked in the mirror and didn’t like what they saw, because that was me, too.
But in writing about The Word, all those little words came together to tell me big truths. And blog posts weren’t always long enough to share the message well. Some of my life lessons have come together in my first eBook, Prodigal Confessions: 10 Principles That Lead Us Back to the Father.
And her book is now on Amazon with special prize for Kindle is only $2.99!
Get connected with Britta:
@Britta Lafont, Writer on Facebook
@BrittaLafont on Twitter
@brittalouise on Pinterest
@brittalafont on Instagram
That is the most beautifully written review of Britta and her new book. Everything about her book reflects the type of person she is: Christ-centered, godly, striving, honest, classy, beautiful, stoic…need I go on? I am so glad to know Britta as a dear friend and am so proud for and with her for her accomplishment.
Hi Melissa, I am so thankful and encouraged read your comment. I agree with you about Britta! Thank you for supporting her 🙂