First Top Off -Jeep Drive

We had a quite lazy morning because it was kind of cloudy but we had a delicious breakfast made by Dave. That cloudy morning didn’t last for a long time. Around 11 am we saw some sunshine at our back window. And Dave said, “It’s too nice to be inside the house. Let’s go out!”

So, after all snowy days in the winter and then all rainy and couldy days in the spring, finally, we got the warm and sunny day to go on top off-Jeep driving around.

Dave put Abigail in her carseat and asked her where she wanted to go, then she answered him, “To the park! Park, we are coming, Park!” with a big smile on her face.

Then off we went to the playground at Minford Elementary School, not too far from where we live.

At the playground we saw a huge USA map on the ground and Dave showed Abigail which State she lives now.

And you can guess what she likes to play at the playground (she called “park”) the slides (spiral, regular, tunnel) and climbing (pretty much whatever she could climb, she would). But this time, she ruled out the swing.

We totally toasted but had so much fun! All the excitement, sliding and climbing really wore Abigail (and us, too) out! She finally asked for a cup of juice and took a break and ready for her nap.

We left. Drove around until she fell asleep.


We Live Here


All About Park

We even had our first cooking and eating out at our backyard this evening. Dave grilled some hotdogs and Abigail had some Mac-n-Cheese because she was not so sure what “hotdog” was.

The most excited thing is that Abigail and I can spend the long weeked with our most amazing Dave, hubby and papa!!
Monday is Memorial Day and Dave doesn’t have to go to work.

We admired God’s amazing handworks while we were driving around: the green hills, leaves and grass, the breeze, the sun, and many more blessings we got today. Like what is written in the Bible that all creatures declare God’s glory. Nothing that compares to God!

Let’s we all be thankful always!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Southern Ohio

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