Happy Papa’s Day

A great blessing in our life. Papa, we love you!

Today is all of us celebrating Father’s day. The day when we specially remember of our Fathers and make them special. But not only today that we have to remember and treat our fathers SPECIAL, but EVERYDAY!

This is my prayer for my father and Dave, as a father. They are so special in my life and Abigail’s. This prayer also for all the fathers in the world.

Babies Don’t Keep

A good reminder for all mothers. If you like it, get one for you, FREE at laybabylay.

I am so grateful to be a mom. It’s my call and I wanna live it out. Abigail is my 2-year old girl and she is an active and curios girl. Never stop exploring and learning something. Sometimes I cannot keep up with her. Sometimes I forget to be thankful to have precious times and moments with her. How I am so thankful to God for giving me this privilege calling. I just wanna say, ENJOY EVERY MOMENT you have with your children, because you never know they already move out.


Pray and Keep Praying

Keep on praying

But I keep praying to you, LORD, hoping this time you will show me favor. In your unfailing love, O God, answer my prayer with your sure salvation.
Psalm 69:13, NLT


What problems David faced! He was scoffed at, mocked, insulted, humiliated, and made the object of citywide gossip. But still he prayed.

When we are completely beaten down, we are tempted to turn from God, give up, and quit trusting him. When your situation seems hopeless, determine that no matter how bad things become you will continue to pray. God will hear your prayer, and he will rescue you. When others reject us, we need God most. Don’t turn from your most faithful friend.

A Father’s Blessing

These are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said as he told his sons good-bye. He blessed each one with an appropriate message.
Genesis 49:28

All of chapter 49 of Genesis records the individual blessings Jacob gave his sons. Each one is an example of a father’s careful observations of his son’s character and potential. Blessings were serious business in Old Testament families. We could make a huge impact on our children if we made it a point to institute parental blessings as part of our family life. Author Gary Smalley has written extensively on this particular subject, and his books have many practical suggestions.

One of the basic changes we can make in our family thinking is to expand the way we treat occasions like birthdays, graduations, holidays, weddings, and other special events. How can we add to each of these occasions intentional moments of blessing? Can we find a way to include an “appropriate message” in each one? Where can we start?

Teaching Children the Gospel in Everyday Prayers

By: John Starke is an editor for The Gospel Coalition and managing editor of TGC Reviews, the book review site of The Gospel Coalition.

Many ways to teach our kids the Gospel, here are some of them, according to John Starke, we can teach the Gospel through everyday prayers.