This post from Michael Hyatt, Two Types of Thinkers: Which Are You? really a good. I would like to share with you all here. The two types of thinkers are abundance thinker and scarcity thinker. I really like those terms. Michael explained each type with 8 characteristics:
Abundance Thinker:
- They believe there is always more where that came from.
- They are happy to share their knowledge, contacts, and compassion with others.
- They default to trust and build rapport easily.
- They welcome competition, believing it makes the pie bigger and them better.
- They ask themselves, How can I give more than is expected?
- They are optimistic about the future, believing the best is yet to come.
- They think big, embracing risk.
- They are thankful and confident.
Scarcity Thinker:
- They believe there will never be enough.
- They are stingy with their knowledge, contacts, and compassion.
- They default to suspicion and find it difficult to build rapport.
- They resent competition, believing it makes the pie smaller and them weaker.
- They ask themselves, How can I get by with less than is expected?
- They are pessimistic about the future, believing that tough times are ahead.
- They think small, avoiding risk.
- They are entitled and fearful.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I always felt encouraged when I was around the people who are abundance thinkers, on the other hand, I always felt so intimidated when I was around the scarcity thinkers. We can find these two types of thinkers anywhere, in the workplace, school, home, church, non-Christian organization, Christian organization, and even in mission agencies. It is a reality that we live among them, and we are either abundance thinker or scarcity thinker itself.
So, which are you?
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