“Who do I write for?”
That’s a good question. I asked myself many times. Who do I write my posts for? Who is my audience? The answer is you and I.
I write for you, as an encouragement. I pray for this all the time. Also, I would like to share what God has put in my heart to motivate you and share with you about the mission works and the needs in Southeast Asia specifically.
I write for you because I need your help, suggestions, critiques and even whatever God put in your heart to share with me, please do leave any comments you want on every post I wrote.
I write for myself, too. Why? Because as I write, I remind myself again whatever God put in my heart. I remember better when I write it down over and over again. It kindda stick in better in my mind 🙂
And I write for the next generation who will find my blog in 5 years, or 10 years, or 20 years later. I don’t know when.
So…. who do you write for today?
I am learning how to write using the book from Denise J. Hughes. This is an amazing resources for you if you are a new blogger like me, or thinking that writing is not my thingy. She shares practical ways of getting to start a blog and to write. You can read her blog here and get her book here.
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