I remember about 7 years ago when I said “Yes, Lord, it’s me send me to go,” at a National Student Mission Conference, in Indonesia. I kneeled down and cried out loud to the Lord for the heart and passion for the people on Indonesia. That day I made the commitment to obey His calling in my life, to walk with Him wherever He leads me and to submit to Jesus’ Lordship for the rest of my life.
Sounds so spiritual, right? But risky.
Yes, I take the risk to leave all my dreams behind, and take God’s dream, vision and desire for all nations as mine.
Yes, I take the risk to go alone (I was single that time ^_^).
And now, I take the risk to go to the mission field with my family – my husband and a toddler (soon will be 2 kids!)
But I have God with me, I trust Him with all my heart, my mind and my life. God who has called me, also called my husband, and also called my kids to go, to serve Him in Indonesia. We trust in Him that He is the one who will provide ALL THINGS that we need spiritually, physically and financially. He is the one who sent us to go and will make His own mission success through us. He is the One and Only who will receive the praise and glory from all people, the people of Indonesia who speaks over 700 languages.
Now, the risk seems so small because we have BIG God!
Writing in 5 minutes is amazing! Just type and type, don’t forget to set a timer! Only in 5 minutes you can express what’s in your mind and heart using the prompt word that Lisa-Jo provides every Friday. Write, share and join us here!
It’s #FiveMinuteFriday free write time! <—click to tweet this!
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
It’s a risk to trust and rely, isn’t it? Good example you’ve shared here! I’m praying right now for your family.
Hi Caroline,
Indeed. Thanks for praying, we appreciate it so much!