Equip #14: Arrival

Atlanta, GA in the night from above

We made it.

Our trip was great. The unexpected things I experienced this time were: Abigail was SOOOOO EXCITED about flying and she was all about it. She even couldn’t wait until we got on the next flight when we were layover about an hour at Atlanta International Airport. She kept on saying, “Wanna go on the plane?,” or “Mama, look I am flying,” and she would keep on counting down from 10-1 and then shouted “Blast off!” on top her lungs on the airplane. Honestly, I was a little bit nervous about what she would think or feel about flying this time. She flew before when she was 14 months to Indonesia and it was another adventure for all of us. But this time, God truly took care of her and prepared her in a way that I cannot imagine. I know there were a lot of people were praying for us yesterday and God has answered all your prayer! Yes, we did had a good and safe flights.

Columbus Airport... Can't wait to be on the plane.

Waiting to take off... found the magazine and gotta check it out.

Atlanta International Airport. She just can't wait to get on the next flight, don't you think? 🙂

We arrived in Orlando last night (4/13) at 11:27 pm. We had an extra the luggages extravaganza because we found out that our luggages arrived way before we did! Praise GOD that we didn’t lost any! We finally arrived at our apartment at Wycliffe Campus by 1 am in the morning (4/14). After settling down “almost” every thing, I couldn’t hold my eyes open anymore. In the morning Dave told me that Abigail finally fell asleep about 3 am, then he went to bed.

That was the day when we arrived last night (or 2 am today ^_^).

We started slowly today because we didn’t start the program until 2 pm. So pretty much we had the whole morning until 1 pm free and did some running to the store to get whatever we will need for the next 2 weeks, well you know, like Abigail’s milk, juice and of course Pull-Up.

We started the program with meet and greet with all Equip Director, staff and all participants. Then we had a parents-teachers meeting for the MKs Program (MKs stands for Missionary Kids). Yes, all of the kids also have their own programs for these 2 weeks. After that meeting, we all went to have the first dinner together and had a good talk with those  we sat together. It was just like a short get-to-know each other during meal 🙂

After dinner, we all back to the Activity Center for the next session. At this session we started with worship and prayer, and then each of us, all staff members and participants, introduced themselves in 3-5 minutes. It was a start to get to know about who is who and what they are doing with Wycliffe, for participants we get to know who will be doing what in the future. It was not too long. We closed with a short games as a reflection on John 10, Jesus is the Good Shepard. We were dismissed and we will meet again tomorrow morning for our Sunday service together.

Abigail told us that she loved her class today. It’s gonna be a good thing for her to be around other people (teachers and kids). We hope and pray that God will use this program for her to prepare her and mold her to be the person He wants her to be, it’s a process and this is just a start.

So, that was our first day at Equip #14 program with Wycliffe, a program designed to prepare the members to be missionaries and to go to serve God in where He leads us to go.

It’s an answer to your and our prayer!


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2 thoughts on “Equip #14: Arrival

  1. You are in for a great 2 weeks! Abigail will have a great time in the childcare and your brain will be ready to explode with so much new information. If you need anything send me an email or tweet. We are close by and Bob is working upstairs. Have a great EQUIP!