There are more than 2000 languages that need Bible Translation, 350 million people never heard of the Good News!
We started every morning with Meditation on God’s word and worship. Our class started right after the morning worship until noon, then we took lunch break, and came back to class again until 4 p.m. This first week of our Equip Training we covered lots of stuff including orientation about the organization and vision 2025, translation methods, public speaking skill and modules, financial and ministry budgeting, missionary kids and issues, moral issues, life resources, media, and practicing for our partnership development.
They equipped us with a lot of materials, resources, ideas and life testimonies from each staff. We had a chance to meet the President of Wycliffe USA, Bob Creson (follow his Twitter here) and his wife. On Friday morning worship, we had an opportunity to hear a great testimony from George Cowan, a 94 years old Wycliffe member. His testimonies were encouraged us to take our steps in faith and dependent on God through prayer is the most important in doing ministry. He said that only God who can open the doors and provide every single things that we need and will need on the field. God is our greatest resources!
Many of you might ask how Abigail is doing. She is doing very well at her class every day! Yes, she LOVES her class, teacher and friends. It is an answer to our prayer. Every morning she couldn’t wait to go to her class. On the second day she told me, “Mama I like school.” I was so surprised when she said that. My girl is ready to go to school! She is a big girl now. Can’t believe it. Time flies so fast.
The other fun things we did this week were swimming, walking around the complex, ice cream day, and we had a quite adventure taking pictures at the studio and outdoor.
We had a fruitful first week of training. We would like to thank you all for all your prayer for us. God is listening to your prayers and He is faithful! So thankful for all of you! Thank you for sending us to come to this training! God bless you abundantly!
Glad you had a great week, sorry i never called you back. We are open for next weekend to get together and maybe the kids and I can stop by lunch on thursday.