Hear me as I pray, O Lord
Be merciful and answer me!
My heart has heard you say,
“Come and talk with me.”
And my heart responds,
“Lord, I am coming.”
~ Psalm 27:7-8 ~
Isn’t that a beautiful prayer from David? I made that as my prayer too, today. We are invited to come and talk with God at anytime, anywhere, and in any circumstances/conditions/situations in our life.
We often say, “I don’t have time today,” or “May be tonight I can spend a little time to pray.”
Why not now? Why not where you are now? Why don’t you stop whatever you do now and spend time with God? He loves to be with you and he always be waiting for you to come and to find him. We have time, only the question is “What do I want to use my time for?” It’s all up to you.
God is waiting for you to come to him and have relationship with him. He keeps on waiting for you to say something because he is ready to listen to you (Jeremiah 29:11-14 & 33:2-3).
Have you spent time with God today?
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