All of you might be familiar with Operation World and how this media has been a great tool for all of us in our prayer life. At the end of the year, I would like to encourage each of us to spend time with your family to pray for a nation. Let’s reach out the world through prayer!
You can be part of the team that leading people to pray for nations, to reach out the world through prayer, and to make known God’s glory in nations. More about Operation World, you can:
Follow @OWTips
Find more tips here on OW Facebook page, and more Ideas For Leaders here
Are you still looking for a Christmas gift? Visit Operation World Store for more amazing gift ideas
Here’s a short link to 10 people who has been using the Operation World Book to lead and encourage people to pray for nations:
The Top 10 @OWTips Leaders of 2011
It has been an amazing year of ministry @OWTips. As the GMI team looked back over all of the interaction about prayer and Operation World resources, we were amazed at what God has done. So to celebrate, we thought we would highlight 10 of you who showed loyal and creative leadership in praying for the nations. Please take a moment to read about how praying (and tweeting) for the nations has impacted these 10 faithful prayer partners. As you read these testimonies, pray about how God might be asking you to lead others in prayer for the nations!
Which nation will you pray for at the end of this year?
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