Proverbs 3:5-6

Today’s bible memory verse that I read from the book of Proverbs chapter 3, verses 5 and 6.

“Trust in the Lord with all you heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths.”

The meditation taken from New Living Bible:
When the Bible says we aren’t to trust ourselves or our own understanding, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t use our mind to think things through. God has given us the ability to reason, and he expects us to use that ability. The problem comes when we get an inflated view of ourselves because of our ability to solve problems. Sometimes, in fact, we may try plans A through Z until finally, in desperation, we ask God for help. Trusting in God completely means that we go to Him first, asking for His insight and guidance. Then He will want us to use our brain and devise our plans, but He will be in control.

From me:
Trusting the Lord in many ways and in all what we do is one thing that God want from his children and faithful followers. If we call ourselves God’s children and Christ’s followers but we do not trust in Him, we actually hurt God’s heart.

Trusting in the Lord also mean that we wait in the Lord for God’s help and provision (Psalm 37:34). Yes, waiting is not a fun thing to do, or may be in some people they say, “there’s no “wait” in my vocabulary list” just to tell people that they like doing something right that moment whatever it takes. Oswald Chambers in his golden book “My Utmost For His Highest” explain about waiting in the Lord. He writes God works where he sends us to wait. But don’t wait sulking spiritually and feeling sorry for yourself. Waiting doesn’t mean that we are sitting with folded hands and doing nothing, but it is learning to do what we are told. We learn to do as we are called to do with fully trust in the Lord. He will work in his way to show his glory through what we do and our lives, and others who see that will glorify God. That’s the ultimate purpose by doing what God wants us to do: others will glorify God!

My prayer for today is God will help us to trust in Him and wait for His answers for all our questions and needs. God bless you today!

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