Psalm 16:5

Psalm 16:5 | #RelentlessStudy #HelloMornings #Godismine #digitaldoodling #digitalhandwriting #madewithpaperbyfiftythree #madewithpencilbyfiftythree #fiftythree #createanywhere

LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. (Psalms 16:5)

This is the Psalm of David. He sang to the LORD what was in his heart. He sang who God was for Him. He declared what God has done and what He would do for him and his people, Israel.

This is the same song I sing this morning declaring the God is mine.

He is my portion.

He is my only inheritance.

He is my cup of blessings.

And only God who can fill my cup overflowing.

I am so thankful for the study I have been doing with HelloMornings group since 3 years ago. The ladies at my group bless me. They are my accountability to overcome my weakness.

He is working in everyone’s life to change them to be like him. And yes, He is working in my life for real through this group of ladies at HelloMornings.

We just started our first week of six-week study in the book of Judges. If you are looking for accountability, group to study God’s word together and grow together, you can CLICK HERE to know more about HelloMornings and to register.

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