Praise The LORD! Psalm 127:3 says children are precious gifts from God and God has given us the precious gift.
On March 4, 2009; at 8 a.m. (EST) or 8 p.m (West Indonesia time zone); at Southern Ohio Medical Center; a little baby girl was born through a Caesarean Section. She is the daughter of Dave and Helen Gullett. Her name is Abigail Ruby. Her weight was 9 lbs. 1 oz. (4.11 kg) and her length was 21.5 inches (54 cm).
Praise God for she was born healthy. Praise God for the doctor and her assistants, nurses and family who were used by God to deliver her to the world.
We would like to thank you all for all your supports for us in many many ways and all the encouragements that you have given to us through the days of Helen’s pregnancy and the day of delivery. Thank you so much! We do praise God and give him thanks for you all.
God is the one who has made the day and we rejoice in him!
In love and grace of God,
Dave,Helen and Abigail Ruby
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