Why We Believe The Bible


The Bible is not a book that gives good advice or tells you how to live your life. The Bible is the Word of God, and the whole Bible is about Jesus.

This clip is taken from the sermon “The Bible Is about Jesus,” preached by Pastor Mark Driscoll at the Mars Hill Church Ballard campus in Seattle, Washington, on May 29, 2011. It is the 76th sermon in our sermon series on the Gospel of Luke.

To watch the full sermon click here.

Teaching Children the Gospel in Everyday Prayers

By: John Starke is an editor for The Gospel Coalition and managing editor of TGC Reviews, the book review site of The Gospel Coalition.

Many ways to teach our kids the Gospel, here are some of them, according to John Starke, we can teach the Gospel through everyday prayers.

How I Pastor My Family | The Resurgence

By Justine Hyde

Many people ask me, “What do ‘family devotions’ look like at your house?” or, “How do you pastor your family?” or even more simply, “Do you pray or read the Bible with your wife and children?” Here is one attempt to answer those questions.

Please click on this link to read the full article and to find out how to disciple your family.

How I Pastor My Family | The Resurgence.