Re-Decorate The Old Fall Wreath

Re-Decorate The Old Fall Wreath by Helen Gullett | #diy #fallwreath #creatingjoyfully

The cool air is blowing nicely when we sit at our front porch. And I think it is the time to get the Fall decorations out from the box.

I washed, air dried and hang the old wreath we had on the front porch wall but it looked there was something missing. But what?

Then I remember that I have couple chalkboard sign I got from Walmart couple months ago for my daugthers’ going back to school signs. I saw an Instagram post from Emily (see her project here) and I love her Fall chalkboard sign 😊

I cleaned the chalk off that board using baby wipes. Let it air dries completly before start writing on it. And then I wrote the Fall phrase on it using an eraseable chalkboard marker so in the future I can write something else on it 😉

And the re-decorate wreath is now hang up on the front porch wall. But for sure we still need couple things to decorate our front porch.

I hope you like it as much as we do! Thank you for visiting and enjoy the cool crisp air of Fall!

12 Days DIY Christmas 2014: Day 9

I love making ornaments. In the last 3 years I have been making ornaments to put up on our tree that will remind us God’s goodness and of course also family treasures 🙂

For today, I would love to share an ornament I made that is super easy and quick.


You only need:
– Designer Creations Mini Frames (Z2029)
– Baler’s Twine (Z1921)
– Liquid Glass (Z679)
– 3D foam tape
– Embellishment of your choice
– Photo
– Clear acetate sheet


I used Snowhaven Complements (X7188C), Gold Sequins Assortment (Z2012) and Sparkles Clear Assortment (Z1752) to embellished my frame.


That the project today and I hope you like it 🙂

Did you make ornaments or buy them?

12 Days DIY Christmas 2014: Day 7

I like going to any Dollar Stores, Ollie’s or Big Lots to check on their $1 deals on home decor stuff 🙂 Most of the time I got some stuff from there.

Today’s project is decorating $1 stockings. Very simple! Add some gems or sequins on them. For our stockings, I added some gems for each of initial.

Supplies you need:

  • Plain stockings
  • Gems
  • Glue gun
  • glue sticks
  • Letters for tracing (or you can just arrange them simply like I did).


While the glue gun heating up, I arranges gems on the stocking to get the idea where to glue them later. For easy way doing it, you can trace each letter on your stocking using fabric pencil or pen.


Here’s the important thing to remember, BEFORE you glue, INSERT a piece of cardstock inside the stocking so the glue won’t glue your both sides stocking together. I learned that in a hard way. I had to pull apart the inside very gently, the good thing that I remembered that before I did all of them. Phew! Otherwise, it would be crazy day pulling these things apart or worse case I had to buy new stockings.

They cool down instantly after you add the gems. That’s I like working with glue gun 😀 Here’s what they look when they are done.


I was thinking to add some else, but I like simple and traditional stockings hanging down at our fire place. My oldest girl helped me hanging them in the order.


Now, the question from her… “What will you put inside my stocking, Mama?” LOL! She loves presents, so does her little sister.

Thanks for visiting today! And have a merry December!

12 Days DIY Christmas 2014: Day 6

Day 6. Half way… Still have some on my list to make for this Christmas 🙂 Today is project I wanna share is Felt Poinsettia. Having a toddler at home is a reason for not having living plant sitting around on end tables or anywhere where she can reach. Not to mention… she is a climber! She can find a way to get to something she wants to touch, including up side down laundry basket!

So, making fabric or felt flowers is an option. I go with felt. I still have a lot in stash because I love felt!


This felt poinsettia is very easy. I drew 3 sizes of leaf shape on a piece of photo copy paper. If it is hard to freehand drawing, here another trick to make leaf shape. First, draw rectangles in 3 sizes:

  • 1″x2″
  • 1 1/2″ x 2 1/2″
  • 2″ x 3″

Then cut them curvy from center bottom to center top of the rectangles. There you will have 3 sizes of petals.

Use fabric pencil or regular ballpoint, trace them on red felts for the petals and green felts for the leaves:

  • 12 pieces 3″ petals
  • 12 pieces 2 1/2″ petals
  • 6 pieces 2″ petals

But depend on how many layers you want for your poinsettia flowers. Also cut extra circles that you will need to make the flowers. I used 3″ circles for these flowers.

Then using scissors, cut the felt while the glue gun heating up.

I added a dap of glue at every bottom of the petal and pinched it for couple seconds.

Then on the piece of circle, start glue each petals start from the leaves (I used 3 leaves) and then the biggest petals, medium and smallest. Overlap them on top each other.


Add some extra gems on top of it if you want. I have a big box of gems assortment I got from Hobby Lobby, so I glued the biggest ones in the center of each flower for extra bling 🙂

I hope these steps are easy to follow when you want to make some.

Thanks for stopping by and have a fun merry crafty day!

12 Days DIY Christmas 2014: Day 1

Welcome December! I love this month for so many reasons 😀 and I have been thinking and planning to do something different this year so I came up with this… I would love to share 12 DIY Christmas Projects with you all from December 1st through December 12th. I hope you will like this and inspire to create something special for your Christmas this year.

Kicking off this special series, I would love to share the first project is from my little sister, Gisella. A couple of days ago she shared this cute Christmas tree she made out of Starbucks coffee cup sleeves! So…. watch out Starbucks! Hopefully you’ll have enough supplies this year…LOL! 😀


My sister told me that she printed out some Christmas dingbats from internet that she liked on a printer paper, trimmed them and glued them on piece of cardboard. And added them on the tree as decorations.

How neat is that? I love her crafty idea of recycling Starbucks sleeves and cardboards she had around her. I tell ya, she has been drinking way too much Starbucks coffee!

I also link this card up at Inspire Me Monday Week 152.

I hope you like her project she shared with us today. Have a Merry December!

Do you recycle? How do you recycle them?