Prayer & Mission

“Climbing Higher” is one of the books that I’ve been reading lately. It’s an inspiration for the Cross-Cultural Church Planter by Roger Dixon. Roger and his Wife, Jan have been involved in evangelism and church planting among the Muslims for more than 40 years. The whole family moved to Indonesia in 1964 and studied extensive culture study for four years. They worked among the one of the largest unreached people group in Indonesia.

The book inspires, motives and encourages me so much in this preparation times. We are planning to do mission work in one of these Muslim majority countries. Be honest, I am struggling, spiritually and emotionally. It’s not only me and myself that will go, but now the whole family. It’s not only me that need to prepare myself, but also the whole family.

I found this statement change my perspective of prayer and be a prayer support to others and I hope it will change yours, too.

Pioneers Media Archive – Imagination

Stories, videos, photos, and audio from the field

via Pioneers Media Archive – Imagination.

What might happen if you dared to imagine problems solved, the poor served, beggar children rescued, and neighbors being loved into the kingdom of God? When I dare to meditate on these things, I rarely sleep well, and neither will you. But be assured. A bold imagination accelerates our creativity, and launches static faith into motion.

Pioneers Media Archive – A Surprise in Language Learning

One day while working on language Dee asked me what the word “Amen” means. I was somewhat put back as she scurried to the back room and emerged with a Bible in hand! “This book is very good! Christians are very good!” Dee said with excitement. As I sat in awe I could not help but think, “Seriously God? The one house you put me in for language learning is the one where they are reading the Bible!”

God is working here in some amazing ways. This is just a small glimpse of what God is doing among these people.

Read the full story by clicking the link below:

by a Pioneer in Southeast Asia

via Pioneers Media Archive – A Surprise in Language Learning.