“Climbing Higher” is one of the books that I’ve been reading lately. It’s an inspiration for the Cross-Cultural Church Planter by Roger Dixon. Roger and his Wife, Jan have been involved in evangelism and church planting among the Muslims for more than 40 years. The whole family moved to Indonesia in 1964 and studied extensive culture study for four years. They worked among the one of the largest unreached people group in Indonesia.
The book inspires, motives and encourages me so much in this preparation times. We are planning to do mission work in one of these Muslim majority countries. Be honest, I am struggling, spiritually and emotionally. It’s not only me and myself that will go, but now the whole family. It’s not only me that need to prepare myself, but also the whole family.
I found this statement change my perspective of prayer and be a prayer support to others and I hope it will change yours, too.
“The idea of prayer as an instant achievement of God’s will is naive… God has created us so that we develop through a process. Prayer is the line of communication that allows us to know and understand the process God has laid out for us… There have been cross-church planters who came confidently to a new people group with the stated goal of completing their mission in a few years. The unreached have been that way for thousands of years, and most of them are not unreached because no one has tried. Rather, they are unreached because they are not easy to befriend… It is not impossible for the process to happen quickly. But we must be prepared for the alternative.”
This statement is intended to church-planters, but I believe it is also intended to all cross-cultural missionaries and workers, to me and my family. I pray that God help us in building relationship with Him in and through prayer, to seek his face, to find his will and do it in his way, not ours. I pray this pray for all of us.
Missionaries are not only those who go to the other country and live in different culture than theirs, but a missionary of God is every believer who believes in Christ, carries the cross, spreads and teaches God’s Word, and makes disciples in the whole word. You and I are missionaries of God. Let’s we ask God to prepare us to do his will in his way.
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
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