All by God’s grace

I would like to thank God for His mercy, grace, faithfulness and helps in my life during the cross culture ministry and linguistics training that I had at KD from August 5th through October 5th. Also, thankful to God for all the blessings, helps, strength, wisdom and knowledge that I got during my study at Atmajaya University so that I can graduate on October 6th. I would say that those achievements are because of God and for God’s glory only. I cannot describe how wonderful and mighty our God in my life since the beginning of this journey with Him until now and then. I only can praise Him, worship Him and thankful to Him.

Final Week of the Training

Hey all,

Yeah! It’s the final week of the training and I am so excited preparing my trip next month… On the other hand,

I am so sad that I won’t see my friends because some of them will go back home and to the people they minister, some of them will go to village different with mine… I am so grateful that God is so gracious and has blessed me during the training. Since the beginning until the last week He has been showing his mercy and love to my friends and I. He is the source of my strength and wisdom. I am nothing without him. Though at the hard time and when I was sick, he was there with me through my friends…When I needed knowledge and wisdom to do assignments, he enable me to understand the materials and did my assignments… “Great is Thy faithfulness” is the only one thing i can say to him and bring praises and worship to God! Dear friends, thank you so much for your supports in prayers and many ways that God has showed to me through you all… Thank you so much! God will bless you for those good things that you have done for display his goodness and love to others… Please keep on praying with me…

I am going to go to MDO next week to see my relatives, pray for fruitful time with them and save trip. My mom will come with me, too. After coming back from MDO, I am going to attend a literacy workshop with a partner organanization in Oct 29th through 2 Nov and data entry in Nov 5ht to 6th. Then, I will go to P in Central SLW in Nov 11th for 3 months living with people, learning their culture and language.

Pray for good health, save trip, God’s provision and fruitful time with the people. Pray that God will bless them through me when I am living among them and pray that this trip will open my eyes to see,my ears to hear and my heart to accept what God tries to reveal to me… It’s gonna be my Discovery Trip with God ever!

Thank you so much for willing to support me!


~Helen Maria

What has happened at the training

Hi all,

It is 2 more weeks to go to finish my linguistics training at KD. I am so blessed my God at this training. My friends and I are people who don’t have linguistics background at all. God is the one who becomes out strength and source of wisdom and understanding when we are learning the materials. We are in the training not for ourselves but for those who are waiting for the Good News in their languages so they can experience God’s great love for them. We are preparing ourselves to go to a village as our field practicum for 3 months living in with the locals to learn the language and the culture, then analyze the language and be part of the field worker project. This 3 months will be our “Discovery trip” to discover God’s confirmation whether it is the one He wants us to do now and in the future.

Please pray us and our needs. Yes, financial need is one of the big thing for us. We need to raise supports and please pray that God will make the way to raise supports. Here some prayer points regarding the field practicum:

1. Pray for our preparation in personal with God and others preparation including the last week of learning at the training.

2. Pray for good health and strength from God.

3. Rudi and Rotua will go to TMH, North Sulawesi. They will learn about translation works with the translators there. Pray for their adaptation with the culture which is very different with theirs. They will have effective and fruitful days with the people. They will leave for TMH in the mids of October. Pray for the prayer supporters and financial supporters, also the tickets. Pray the good communication with their mentor and details when they are discussing it now.

4. Yenny and Netty will go to Papua. They will go to 2 different places in Papua. Yenny will train as language surveyor and Netty will do literacy work in a people group. They don’t have mentor yet. Please pray for those who are willing to be their mentor. Yenny is planning to go to Papua for the survey training in October 20 th. Netty will go to Papua in mids of Nov after the literacy training in Jakarta (I will go to the same literacy training). Pray for very good health for them because there are lots of Malaria mosquitoes. Pray that God will protects them and bless them to be blessings to the people where they will stay with.

5. Loudi will go to Central Kalimantan, to DLG. She is communicating with her mentor and discussing about their planning in the village. Please pray for God’s wisdom as they are working on the details. Pray for her health. Pray also for her needs to go to this practicum. She is planning to go to Kalimantan in the mids of October.

6. Tito is going back to his translation team in his village. He is one of the Mother Tongue Translator who is taking the training with us. He is working on BNY language, a language in Java island. Pray for the project that is in progress. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength as they are working on the translation so that result will bring glory to God. The people can read the Good News in their language and grow in The Lord.

7. Pabian and Melissa are couple. They have the calling to go and minister the V people in Asia. This training equip them with the knowledge of linguistics to learn the language culture of the people group in V. They have a 7 years old son who is now studying in ML. After they finish this training, they will go home and prepare to leave to V early next year. Please pray for them and their preparation. They concern about their son schooling in V. If they send him to the international school that will be very expensive. If they send him to the missionary kids school that will be another choice but they don’t want him to live far away from them because he is only 7 years old. So, they have another alternative which is home schooling. They are praying for that.

8. Helen will go to P, LND and KLW in Central Sulawesi. P is majority a “cousin” area. LND and KLW are “brothers” area but they not yet have Good News in their language. I will stay with a family who are working on a language project there. God is so awesome. They got their visa 2 months ago and they sent me email that they wanted to be my mentor for my field practicum. I am planning to go to P in Nov 11 th and going back in early February 2008. I need to go to another Literacy training and workshop (together with Netty) in Oct 29th to Nov 6th. I will do language analysis, cultural analysis and literacy survey at LND and KLW. I will have home stay with the local while in the village. Please pray for my preparation, health, communication with my mentor and the people while I have home stay, wisdom and ability in analyzing the language, culture and doing the literacy survey. I have to do some grammatical and syntax analysis on the language with my mentor. This is going to be a wonderful field experience for me before making decision to do the long term work in the future. I do pray that this trip will be God’s confirmation about what I have to do in the future. I do need to raise support for the financial need, too.

9. We all have to write a report on our field practicum. Pray that God give s us wisdom and ability to write the report and it is one of the requirements to be WBT member in ID.

Please pray with me and I do appreciate your ministry and supports. I pray that God will bless you abundantly in your life, ministry and family. He will show his mercy, grace and unlimited power so all nations will bow down and worship Him.

Together serving the King!

~Helen Maria