Bible Journaling: HelloMornings Week 2

Bible Journaling HelloMornings Week 2 | Relentless Study | #hellomornings #RelentlessStudy #biblejournaling #journalingbible #illustratedfaith #bibleartjournaling

We made it through HelloMornings Study Week 2 study on the book of Judges. This week I learned who God is through how He revealed Himself to the people of Israel through the people He sent to save them.

I studied God’s word together with a group of amazing ladies on one of HelloMornings Facebook groups. I join HelloMorning study since 3,5 years ago. And God has been teaching me to trust in Him completely in my walking with Him and He stretching my faith through circumstances we got through as family and personal life.

I learned this week is that God wants us to know Him personally and not only know about Him. He reveals Himself clearly through all His creations around us.

And He promises us to walk with us personally and be with us in any circumstances we go through, that He will give us the rest we need and everything will be fine for us. For He himself walk with us. Yes, there are circumstances we had gone through, or maybe we are now in the situation where we cannot see His presence or even not receiving the answeres to our prayers, know this well that God himself promise to us that He is with us. He is God.

Here are the my Bible journaling pages of the Word of God I studied this week 2:

Romans 1:22-24


Proverbs 3:11-12


Exodus 33:14


Judges 3:15a


Psalms 91:9-10


I am so thankful for what He taught me this week, thankful for the ways how He revealed Himself to me, and thankful the promises He gave to me. And I am looking forward to new things God will teach me and new revelations of who He is in the next week.

I pray God reveals Himself to you also in ways that you can understand and gain knowledge of who He is so that you also can worship Him with all your heart, mind and strength.

God bless you abundantly!

Forgiveness and Hope


This week I continue my Bible study from Joseph and his family in the book of Genesis 42.

It is about Forgiveness.

Joseph showed no hatred at all but love, mercy and kindness. He even gave back their money so that they would have enough for their journey back to their father’s house.

Our unconfessed sins are not only effected our lives, but also our loved ones. We need to confess all of our sins to receive forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration.

Our God shows us love, mercy and kindness, no matter what we have done. He is waiting for us to come to seek him and reunite with him. He shows us forgiveness. He has provided the way for us to return from our wicked ways, to walk in the truth. He has provided the way and the only way to go to the Father is through Jesus Christ.

Forgiveness to every single person that you know in your life and the 2,9 million people who haven’t heard of Him.

We have heard the Greatest News in Jesus, that he loves every individual so much until he died on the cross for all of our sins, but they haven’t.

We have found the True God and be reconciled, but they haven’t.

They have waited for a long time.

God wants every one in this world to come, receive forgive and new life in Christ Jesus. He is waiting patiently for every person.

God can do it by himself, He is the mighty, powerful God. But He calls us to be part of His salvation plan. He calls us to be part of His mission to bring the Greatest News to 2,9 million people in every language they can understand best in their hearts.

That’s the reason we do what we do. This is your calling and our calling.

The Seed Company is a partner organization of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Their mission is to accelerate Scripture translation and impact for people without God’s Word through Great Commission partnerships. Their vision to see God’s Word transforming lives in every language in this generation. (The Seed Company mission and vision)

Would you be prayerfully to consider be part of the team?

You can be a prayer partner.

You can be a financial partner.

Where to find The Seed Company:

Twitter: @TheSeedCompany search with hashtag #WritetheWord and #EndBiblePoverty.

Pinterest: The Seed Company’s Write the Word Pin Board.

Facebook: “Write the Word” Facebook page.

Facebook: The Seed Company on Facebook.

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Love Like Jesus

When I wrote 1 John 3:16-17 today in 3 languages I speak, I am thinking and praying for those 209 million people speak about 1,967 languages, who do not have one single verse in the languages they understand best (source: Wycliffe Global Alliance). There are about 400 languages spoken by at least 190 million people in the country we will be going in South East Asia.
Today we can end the Bible poverty by praying and get involved with the Bible Translation movement around the world by partnering with Wycliffe Bible TranslatorsThe Seed Company and their sister organizations. You can join us in #WritetheWord movement every Wednesday hosting by The Seed Company to raise the awarness of the need of Bible Translations for the Bibleless People Groups in the world.
  • Write God’s word on your journal,or maybe the verses from your daily Bible Study
  • Take a picture of it
  • Post and share your picture on Instagram, or Pinterest, or Facebook, or Twitter, pretty much on every social media you might have.
  • Add hashtag #WritetheWord and #EndBiblePoverty, when you tweet it and while you are there follow @theseedcompany, also follow them on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest.
  • Go to The Seed Company Blog and add your Instagram picture link there.


All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, o LORD; they will bring glory to your name. (Psalms 86:9)