The Antidote For Fear

But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.”

(Isaiah 43:1)

“Fear not” appears 365 times in an older version of the Bible. Like a daily vitamin, God has provided just what is needed to move on and to conquer one’s fear. One faces one’s fears with fact. God says that we do not have to fear because of the fact that his presence accompanies us through the unpredictable events of life. He has redeemed us–setting us free from the slavery of fear. He calls us by name–he knows us intimately. He says we are his—we are his children, his beloved.

It’s only two words–“fear not”–easier to preach than to practice, but easier to practice with the fact of God’s power and presence accompany us through every dark alley of life.

(C) NLT Devotional for Women, 2011

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