When You Pray

I long for more and more of God and his presence in my life. Studying His word is one way for us to have knowledge of who God is and to listen to what He wants to teach us day by day.

In the last couple of weeks the Lord has been putting in my heart to dig deeper about prayer. And last night I found a new Bible study in a Facebook Group I joined few months ago called The FOCUSed15 Study Group.

Today I join their Bible Study, And When You Pray. It is a 10-days Study on the Lord’s Prayer. It is FREE Bible Study where you can grab it HERE. Today is Day 1, so it is not too late to join and start studying God’s word.

On Day 1, we read from Matthew 6:5-8.

Prayer Time is not a public speech, it is a private time with our Savior.

The Law teachers missed the true meaning of prayer time. Jesus reminded us not to pray like hyppocrites. He said, “When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”

Our prayers do not need to be heard by others. When we pray in private, we go to the Father and have a special private moment with Him – listen to His voice and talk with Him. Isn’t that a beautiful time we want to have with our Heavenly Father?

Jesus wants us to pray. He wants us to talk to Him. He wants us to have time for Him. Not because we have to, but out of our love for Him.

How do we seek & find The Lord?

  • We seek Him with all our heart and soul from where we are. (Deuteronomy 4:29)
  • We humble ourselves and turn away from our wicked ways when we call upon His name (2 Chronicles 7:14-15)
  • Seek Him and call upon Him when He may be found and is near. (Isaiah 55:6)

My husband got me this ESV Journaling Bible for Christmas 2 years ago and I have been writing some notes on it. This time might look so different because I found a way I can show my love and worship to my Lord in artistic way. This where we can express our faith through our creativity. There are many people inspired me to do this and from them I learn many things. One of them is an online class at Big Picture Classes called Illustrated Faith – Getting Started and  Illustrated Faith 02 – Peace & Strength. Shanna Noel is the teacher. She also hosts a Facebook group – Journaling Bible Community, where you can find LOTS of inspirations from the members.

On the left margin of the passage I add a watercolored-tag and washi tape to create a flap. Watercolor I used for the tag: SimplyArt, Yasutomo Pearl watercolor & Pentel Aqua brushes. The Pearl watercolor is very unique, it givea pearly, glittery effect on the paper.

And on the other side of the flap, I just randomly stamped one of the Washi Wonder stamps, insteas of leaving it blank. I used one of the Prima Marketing Chalk Fluid Edger Pad & some pearl watercolor on the edges. Then I wrote the related verses to read.

On the journaling space (right side), I wrote a reminder for me to pray in secret when I come talking to my Heavenly Father.

And for writing I used ekTools Calligraphy pen, Pigma Micron pens, Steadtler Triplus Fineliner and Faber-Castell Art Grip colorpencils

How do you seek the Lord today?


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5 thoughts on “When You Pray

  1. Helen, such a beautiful act of worship while you read! Just beautiful! I can only imagine your girls one day treasuring looking through this Bible. May He continue to create beauty as you read His Word!

  2. Helen, your art work is beautiful and how wonderful that you are worshiping God with your gift. I’m sure it is also a great way to get the brain to remember what God is teaching through His word. Thank you for sharing!