Reflecting the character of God through partnership.
Our way of working best reflects the character of God when we work in community, in partnerships, and always with humility. Because collaboration is critical to completing Bible translation for all languages of the world, Wycliffe has made it a priority to develop partnerships with many associated organizations. Academic institutions, ministry partners, and churches all make Bible translation possible. And our work could not be completed without the many individuals who contribute by praying, going, and financial giving.
Both within the United States and around the world, Wycliffe works with several like-minded organizations dedicated to the ministry of Bible translation. Here’s a quick list of some Wycliffe-affiliate organizations serving together.
SIL International
As Wycliffe’s primary strategic partner, SIL serves language communities worldwide, building capacity for sustainable language development by means of research, translation, training, and materials development.
The Seed Company
Started by Wycliffe in 1993, The Seed Company works with several hundred local translators who are leading the translation process in more than 400 Bible translation projects.
JAARS provides technical support services like aviation, IT, and media to advance Bible translation programs worldwide.
The Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (GIAL)
GIAL offers training and masters degree programs for a variety of missions roles.
Wycliffe Associates (WA)
WA mobilizes volunteers and teams to assist the Bible translation process around the world through a variety of support roles.
To see more of Wycliffe’s partner organizations, view this list.
- Praise God and thank Him for the body of Christ working together to help see an end to Bible poverty.
- Pray that current partnerships would be strengthened and that new strategic partnerships would be forged that would speed the work toward completion.
- Ask the Lord to speak to individuals around the globe, calling them into partnership with Wycliffe.
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