I am thinking about this Friday topic for 2 days! The topic of this 5 Minute Friday is “W.O.N.D.E.R.” One think that I could think about this word is what God has been doing in my life since 9 years ago.
As a verb, one of the descriptions of the word wonder is desire or be curious to know something. That was what I did up till 10 years ago. I was wondering if my life would be different and changed and if I would have hope and better future. And a year later, yes, it was 10 years ago I found the answer. God found me and opened my eyes to the real God and experience his unconditional love and eternal hope that I have in Jesus Christ.
That is what I call “The Wonder”, all what God has been doing in my life since the day he found, redeemed and saved me. Up till now, He still do his wonders in my life, my families and friends. The wonders that Jesus did when he as on earth never just stop there when he went up to heaven and sit on the right hand of God, but those wonders are still happening up till now and even continue until Jesus comes back in his glory.
That’s the description of the word wonder. The true wonder. The wonder that all creations on this earth ever need. The wonder of salvation that God has provided for all of us in Jesus Christ, the most holy Son, who had died for our sins, rose up by the power of God to defeat the death and broke the curses of sin, and now who is sitting at the most holy throne on the right hand of God. There is no other name on the earth that can save us, except in Jesus’ name.
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