Happy Easter!
Jesus came, live on earth and died for all of us for God’s purpose and to fulfill His highest calling. He died to obey his Father and for His glory.
He came to serve, not to be served. He set us an example to serve one another with love (John 13).
Jesus is the true vine where we are the branches found the source of life. We are called to abide in Jesus so we will bear fruits for the glory of God. We surrender to God and trust Him that His ways are always the best for us (John 15).
Jesus didn’t leave, nor forsake us. He prayed for us and He is still interceding for us before God. When we are in Jesus, we are one, just like Jesus and the Father are one. So the world may know God, the Father, through Jesus, in the unity of the believers (John 17).
Jesus was crucified because of the world sins, to be the perfect sacrifice to God, so we are reconciled with the Father, and have the eternal life with Him. Jesus defeated the death (John 19).
To know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death. Through Jesus’ suffering and death, we find the power of His resurrction and we become like Him (Philippians 3).
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God must be brought to the whole world. The only hope we can find in Christ. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every language needs to know that Jesus is the Son of God, the Saviour and the Redemeer. Only in Jesus’ name under this world could save. Nothing else (Matthew 1:21, Acts 4:12). We are called to go and teach this message to the world, to make disciples of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20) until the day He comes again in His glory.
Easter is all about Jesus Christ and how much God loves this world. Easter is about the victory in Jesus, the victory that brings life and the world cannot gives it to us.
May God bless you in celebraing the Victory in Jesus on this Easter Day. Let the power of God’s word change each of us, and empower us with His Holy Spirit to spread and teach the Good News to those who never heard about it before.
To God all the Glory and Power and Praise!
What is Easter all about to you?
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