Under God’s Mighty Hands

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:6-11)

These are the truth, great reminder and practical instruction of how we, as Jesus’ followers and believers, should live out our lives. And God’s promise of deliverance when we submit to Him and His Lordship and mighty hands.

Humble ourselves. Why? The answer is simple. It is because we are just human, made out of dust. We are nothing out of Him. I am nothing without Jesus. I thought I could do things then I failed. Often I forget that He is the one that I need be He has created me and to do what He has called me to do as a wife to my husband, a mother to my daughters, a daughter to my parents, a sister to my younger sisters, a friend to my friends, or just to be someone out there to those who are in need.

Humbling myself under God’s mighty hand is not as easy as I read in it in the Bible. Real life example, happened many times, was when I carried all my problem and worried to much. The moment I took my anxieties on myself, that very moment, I put God aside. Nothing I gained by being worry and carry every load on my on.

Jesus invites everyone who has burden to come to Him and He ask us to give Him our own burdens. How’s that for a help comes from the Lord? This kind of help we cannot find in this world.

God’s mighty hands are there for us. We just need to humble ourselves.

Humbling ourselves under His mighty hands leads to victorious life. That’s the promise in 1 Peter 5:7-11. When He has given His promises, He won’t let it fail (Isaiah 55:11).

So… would you humble yourself under His mighty hand today?

My prayer for us today that The Holy Spirit will help us and give us the desire in our hearts to enter His presence with humble hearts and seeking Him to have intimate fellowship with the Father.


Link up today at:

Five Minute Friday

Missional Women

I Love My Daughters

It starts feeling like Spring here – some of our daffodils and tulips coming out of the ground, wonderful breeze and my daughter T-Ball practice has started 😀 Just cannot wait to see more of the colors of the flowers!

Every day when I count my blessings, I count my husband and daughters twice, or may be triple. I love them more each day. We have our ups and downs, but God always help me to see that He has blessed more than I can imagine.

Yesterday, we had our downs. I cried with my daughters when they were disciplined. I cried with them when they were sad. I prayed with them and asked God to heal their wounds and give them new hearts that love Him more.

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. – Ezekiel 36:26

I believe in this God’s promise that He is the one will give them new hearts, new spirits. He will give them the hearts to love Him and obey Him, the Holy Spirit in them to guide them in the Truth and to follow His directions.

I am just a mama. I realize that one day they will be away from me, but God, God is the only one I can trust who will be with them always and ever. He is the one that they need the most! That is my hope and prayer for my daughters.

I love creating memories of my daughters for them to remember and to treasure when they grow up, this is one of my favorite layout I created a digital layout using Jen C Designs, Forever Love kit:

I Love My Daughters by Helen Gullett #digitalscrapbooking #jencdesigns #stuckonusketches

Today link up this post at Faith Filled Friday over Missional Women:

Missional Women

And also I am playing along with Stuck On U Sketches – Sketch Challenge 03/28/14. Check out this fabulous sketch from Leah, one of the SOUS Co-creators:


You can get this beautiful kit (30% Off) and collection (50% Off) here:

Pickleberry Pop | Gotta Pixel | Scrapbookgraphics

Don’t forget that playing in ANY of our challenges will make you eligible for our months blog candy! You have a challenge EACH Friday and every other Monday if you want to try out creating Project Life styled. We’d love to have you share with us!

This month blog candy is from Creative Embellishments


His Plan, His Purpose, His Way

This was his eternal plan,
which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Ephesians 3:11 NLT)
God’s plan is eternal for He himself is eternal God. His salvation plan is for eternal. Can you imagine that if God ever had set a certain time for everyone to repent? I would be lost. Thankful that He is so patient with us & waiting for everyone to repent and be saved.

God has planned us, His Church, to GO, SHARE the Gospel & DISPLY God’s wisdom to the world. Often we feel safe & comfy just being in the church, don’t want to step out of our comfort zone. Honestly, I feel safe for my kids to just be in church environment & Christian communities all the time so they won’t sin. But how do I know what is exactly in their hearts? But God know. Can I know what they will do before hand? no! But God can. He has their future in His hands & He is the one who plan their lives. I cannot control the future but He does.

What I am trying to say here is that keeping ourselves away from the world (we are still lhere, on earth!) is not gonna keep us holy and righteous. God himself with His grace who saved us from who we were before (Ephesians 2:11-12). God makes us holy. God makes us righteous. God makes us who we are in Christ. And he has a purpose when He call us , adopt us into His family, saved us. He has planned for us to go, share the Good News with the world, and display His wisdom & love to the world so that they may know who He is.

If we just be in our comfort zone all the time, then how these unsaved, unreached people will know who God is and what Jesus has done for them?

This one God spoke to me personally this morning. That I have the access, He has opened to door for me to enter His presence, why didn’t I go boldly to Him, instead I keep everything inside my heart? There are things I cannot share with others, just don’t know how to say it. I even do not know how to pray about it. But here’s the truth:

– Through Christ, I have the way to Go to the Father (John 14:1-14). That is absolute promise of God.
– God give me the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-30), the One who will pray foe us in our weakness according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-30). That is the work of the Holy Spirit in us, believers.

Don’t you just love how He KNOWS each of us so well and know exactly each of our need right now? Oh Yes He always answers you every time you seek Him,talk to Him and wait for His answer.

And…one more reminder for me and you….

So please don’t lose heart because of my trials here. I am suffering for you, so you should feel honored. (Ephesians 3:13)

Yes I often lose heart when I was in trials. God command me not to lose heart in the battle for He is with me and it is all for the benefit of His glory and others to come to know Him. Our sufferings and trials are for His glory to be made known. In our weakness, God is there and He reveals His power for the others to see that God is God, the sovereign One.

I cannot stand by myself in the trials, and for that I really need YOU to pray with me and for me, so I can stand in His promises! Would you be praying for me?


This post I link up at:


Faith Filled Friday

Missional Women

The Lord’s Plan


Up until now I still cannot figure out what’s the next step for us to take in this Partnership Development journey. I just know that this journey we have been taking since 16 months ago is not as easy as we thought.

Not knowing the certainty of our next steps really bugs me a lot. Then this verse came back to me since couple of days ago. God reminded me that his plan for me and my family. That He never ever forget, nor forsake, nor abandon us.

He is the one who gives us the desire to serve Him as missionaries and supporting Bible Translation works.

He is the one who leads us to where we are now.

He is the one who put this plan in our lives.

He is the one who will work it out.

For He is the one and the only one who can make it happen.

For His faithful love in our lives.

For He made us.

For He is GOD!

For once again, He speaks to me, “Why worry, my daughter? For I will work out My plans in your life, for I love you so, for I made you.”

In a 2 hours I will be go to a ladies’ retreat with my ladies friends from church at Scioto Hills Christian Camp, we will be rejuvenated, refreshed and reconnected with God. I pray for His new revelation of Himself to me and all the ladies.


I link up this post at:

Missional Women