New Bible Study: David, His Story Is Our Story

The new Bible Study is now available in 18 languages. Indonesian is one of them! Amazing blessings and glory to His name. Our prayers that through this study, you can find Him, meet Him, renewed and refreshed by God’s presence, love and grace.

Friends, if you know of a missionary or missions pastor who could use our translated Bible studies, please share this post and let’s work together to give more women access to Bible studies in their language!  Also, share this blessing with your family and friends so that they also be blessed!

CLICK HERE to see the list of languages and more information about this Bible Study and ministry. You can buy the book on Amazon to support this ministry, too.

Thank You for your prayers and supports to all of us, the translators in these 18 languages! Only by His grace we are enabled to do this. Challenges we faced, but He helped us to go through & finished this study.

Praise His name on the highest!

Pendalaman Alkitab yang baru ini tersedia dalam 18 Bahasa. Indonesia adalah salah satunya!! Sungguh berkat Tuhan yang melimpah diberikan kepada kita untuk bisa mendalami FirmanNya. Doa kami agar lewat bahan pendalaman ini, Anda semua dapat mencari wajah Tuhan, bertemu denganNya, dibaharui dan disegarkan iman Anda di dalam kasih dan anugerah Bapa di surga.

Jika Anda kenal misionaris, hamba Tuhan, Gembala gereja, atau siapa saja yang melayani di ladang Tuhan yang membutuhkan bahan pendalaman yang sudah diterjemahkan dalam 18 bahasa ini, silahkan bagikan dengan mereka informasi ini. Juga, silahkan bagikan ke teman-teman dan keluarga Anda! Agar berkat dapat di nikmati bersama!

Terima kasih banyak atas dukungan doa untuk kami para penerjemah dalam bahasa-bahasa ini!

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