5 Minutes Monday

Today I have something excited to share with you. But first, Thank You for spending your 5 minutes to read and pray with me today for the Unreached and Bibleless People Groups.

Our Focus UPG today is Penghulu People. They are about 30,000 people live in this area in Sumatra Island.

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Their language is a mixture of the Minangkabau language and the Jambi Malay language, widely spoken by every one, every day. They don’t have one verse of God’s word in their language. The largest religion is Islam. Though in general the Penghulu are Muslims, they still cling to traditional animistic beliefs for everyday life. They believe that strong spirits inhabit sacred sites. Some are still in the habit of giving offerings to appease the spirits. Many people seek help from the shaman for daily needs like treating the sick or casting out evil spirits.

Would you join me today to pray for them?

  • Ask for God to send His workers to this people, to reach them strategically.
  • Ask that doors will be open for translation work to give them access to God’s word.
  • Ask God’s Kingdom will be there, His will be done for this people as it is done in Heaven.
  • Ask God to show you how you can be part of His works for this people.

And here’s the exciting news!

One of Wycliffe’s partner organizations, The Seed Company, released a new Devotional e-Book, Joy In All Circumstances. It’s a beautiful devotional designed to both encourage the reader and prompt them to pray for the Bibleless People Group.


You can download the free devotional HERE (or click on the picture to download). And please feel free to share this blessing with your families and friends 🙂

And would you please consider to join us as a Prayer Partner? Visit TSC Prayer page to join as a Prayer Partner!

THANK YOU! Your partnership in prayer and financial give these people access to God’s word that will change their lives when they read it in the language they can understand best! Our prayer that God bless you abundantly!

Whom Shall Go?

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for  us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” ~ Isaiah 6:8

The same answer I gave to God in 2006 and still be my prayer until today, “Lord, her I am, send me to go to these people.” That’s my prayer for my husband and daughters, too. We go to serve God as family among a nation in Southeast Asia. These are the why: these people are still waiting for God’s word to be available in languages they understand best in their heart, they have been waiting for too long. I was there, living among them for a short period of time only, God revealed to me and the team His heart and desire for these people groups. He wants them to know Him, to have His words and for them to come and worship Him only! (*is not the real name of the place) God used the trips to open my eyes to see the needs and to change my heart and my desire to serve Him. There are more that I have ever imagined!

Wycliffe Australia and Kartidaya Vision Trip 2005

Wycliffe Australia 2005 to Central K-Island*

Wycliffe Discovery Trip 2006 to South K-Island*

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2006 to South K-Island*

Wycliffe Discovery Trip 2007 - The Capital J City*

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2007 – The Capital J City*

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2008 - Central Day* Island

Wycliffe USA Discovery Trip 2008 – Central Day* Island

Literacy and Multi Education Survey in 3 villages in Central K-Island*

Literacy and Multi Education Survey in 3 villages in Central K-Island*

And in 2007 I had given an opportunity to participate in a literacy survey program hosted by one of Wycliffe’s strategic organization in the country, SIL, to go and collect data from the people in 3 villages and from that data we collected were used to determine whether these people will need God’s word, level of how literate the people, will they need literacy program, what language do they can speak and do they understand the national language or not, etc. So many elements that support Bible Translation work, it cannot be done alone. It needs a team.

We need YOU! Yes, together we can end the Bible poverty in around the world!

How you can get involved? You are welcome to visit these sites to find out and pray about how God can use you in ways He calls you to:

The Seed Company

Wycliffe Bible Translators



The Road to Transformation from Wycliffe USA

Translation teams exercise great care in the rigorous and complicated process to translate God’s Word into a language that doesn’t yet have it. Watch an overview of the tasks involved, and learn how each project presents unique challenges and incredible rewards. Learn more here.

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Your Vital Role

Jesus Brings Freedom ButtonPray is the fuel for any ministries and our lives. Pray is what we’re saying that we need God and it is only can be done by God and His’ power. Pray is the only way to reach His throne and receive His grace in time we need help. Pray is where we stand in the gap for those who are in needs of God and His love.

Through pray we come to God and plead for our loved ones. But also…

We are called to pray for others who have not heard nor known about Jesus Christ. We pray is to reach out the over 209 million people in this world to come to know God, for God to open doors for them to have His word in the languages (over 1,900 languages!) that they can understand best in their hearts, for God to touch them and change their hearts, for God to lead them in the way of truth and life.

You have a vital role in God’s mission in this world. You can pray today.

The Seed Company, a Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliates, have released 40-days Devotional e-Book, that you can get it for FREE here. During this Lent, you can read God’s word, meditate and pray for Jesus to bring freedom to over 209 million people who speak about 1,967 languages. They have been waiting too long!

Would you join us to pray today?

New Testament in Helong Language

Today I read this exciting news posted by Wycliffe Bible Translator USA on their Facebook page, The people of Helong, Timor, Indonesia, received their first New Testament Bible!
How amazing and wonderful! I praise God for who He is, for the people of Helong and so thankful for the translators and consultants!
I can imagine the joy of the people when they can read the Word of God in their language, how beautiful and amazing the feeling of the people!
The same feeling I have when I read and hear God speaks in my own language, Manadonese, the language that so close to my heart.
Let’s pray that as they read the Word of God, He touches and gives them a heart to love and leads the people of Helong to worship God in fear of the Lord, thankful heart and awe!
Rejoice with Misriani Balle and the Helong people of Timor. For the first time they have the complete New Testament, plus Genesis!
About 900 people gathered to celebrate last week week.
In this photo, Misriani — the primary translator — sees the first copy of the Helong New Testament.
You can read more about the Helong New Testament project here:http://www.theseedcompany.org/project/helong-nt-helong
To know more about Bible Translations works in the world and how you can get involved more in this mission work, you can visit Wycliffe Bible Translators and follow their Facebook page for update news.

They’ve Waited Too Long

Johanna (visit her blog here) from One Verse blogger interviewed me last Thursday about how we really need the Bible in the language we understand the best. Today she posted the story I told her about my life here.

This interview reminds me how great and perfect God’s plan in His children’s lives, mine and yours. It reminds me how desperate and lost I was when I didn’t know or even trusted Jesus my life and future. It reminds me how much God love each of His creation and He has plan for each human in this world. It reminds me how deep His love for the world, for each soul and for each of us to come, have relationship with Him and worship Him.

It reminds me now I know where to go and who to turn to when I am in need, when I am alone and feel lost, when I am desperate and dying, and when I am worry about anything in my life and my family. But, it also reminds me that there are more than 2000 language groups that do not yet have ONE SINGLE WORD of God in the language that they understand in their heart and mind. There are more than 350 million people who do not know where to go or who they can turn to when they are in need, when they are alone, when they are dying, and when they are lost.

They are waiting and they have waited too long. So does the people of Vidunda. It’s about 56,000 speakers of Vidunda (about 60% are Christians), who majority still live under under the fear of spirits than experiencing the freedom in Christ. Non-believers cannot see the victory or joy in the lives of the believers because of that. The Scriptures in their language will bring deliverance to the Christians from the captivity of fear of the spirit. More than that, they will grow in the knowledge of the true God and their spiritual lives will become testimonies to reach out the unbelievers.

Would you pray for the Vidunda people today? Would be part of this mission to reach out these people?

Be part of the team to reach them out, go HERE.